DFCW Presents: A Conversation about Jobs in the Arrowhead

Panel at DFCW Jobs Forum

We're here at the USFS Listening Session in solidarity with the many powerful voices in the room saying NO to copper sulfide mining to the north of us in the BWCA watershed, including a former 25-year USFS employee who is discussing how amphibians are a "canary in the coal mine" for toxicity in the Superior National Forest.
This type of mining is way too damaging for the BWCA, AND for Lake Superior.

John Doberstein testifying on behalf of Duluth for Clean water at the MN Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. We're saying NO to the cynical effort to remove the ability of downstream communities to request a contested case hearing on mining permit apps.

DFCW Presents: A Conversation about Jobs in the Arrowhead
Nevada Littlewolf, Virginia City Council

The Ethics of Mining: Addressing Twin Metals & Polymet

Senator Erik Simonson, Liz Olson, Minnesota House of Representatives District 7B, and Jen Schultz for MN Representative, District 7A with DFCW volunteers after the listening session.

Budget Commissioner Myron Frans being presented PolyMet's estimate for reclamation & water treatment ($824M) after a 10 yr. operation

Senate District 7 Listening Session

PolyMet Open Forum, Feb. 4th 2017

Polymet Open Forum

Duluth for Clean Water Citizens' Press Conference
Duluth for Clean Water Citizens' Press Conference, August 23, announcing call for evidentiary hearing on PolyMet permit to mine application. John Doberstein spokesperson.

Duluth Standing Rock Resolution
Duluth Standing Rock Resolution passes 8-0! (1 abstention - Fosle). Great work everyone! Thanks Councilors Em Westerlund and Gary Braden Anderson for co-authoring! In the words of Babette Sandman - "That's how we roll in Duluth. We take stands. Water is life."
Speaking to the Duluth City Council
Duluth residents voicing concern.

Polymet Open Forum
John Doberstein
John Doberstein, Allen Richardson and Winona LaDuke
Event at the Red Herring Lounge