2021 Update: The following letter was signed by hundreds of residents, organizations, and elected officials (including a majority of Duluth councilors and all legislators) and hand delivered to the Governor’s Office and MN DNR on August 17, 2017. Downstream communities are still waiting for evidentiary hearings on PolyMet. You can see the hand-delivered letter and signatures below. The form for adding your signature is closed. To sign up for DFCW emails, click here.
Dear Governor Dayton and DNR Commissioner Landwehr: Order a PolyMet Contested Case Hearing
The undersigned citizens, organizations, and elected officials hereby request that you order a contested case (evidentiary) hearing on the PolyMet Permit to Mine application currently before the DNR.
As downstream communities (and supporters), we have a critical stake in the PolyMet decision. The proposed mine is in the watershed of Lake Superior, the cleanest of the Great Lakes and largest freshwater lake in the world. Lake Superior is a critical resource for Minnesota and Duluth, and we have a special responsibility for its health. As such we expect that the claims of both project proponents and opponents be subjected to the highest possible scrutiny. A contested case hearing, subjecting claims to cross examination and the review of a neutral arbiter, is necessary, timely, and a normal part of the process. We request that you order the hearing.
Your name and city will be added to a list of signatories. Other information will not be shared.
Additional Background (The below was included with the 2017 letter also and remains in its original form):
*The PolyMet Permit to Mine application has been submitted, and the MN DNR will make decisions about the draft permit and a contested case hearing soon. The time for this letter is now.
*PolyMet’s Environmental Impact Statement, prepared primarily by PolyMet and its consultants, has not yet been subjected to cross examination and neutral scrutiny. As noted by Governor Dayton in the sulfide ore mining context, the EIS process does not actually ask the question “is this a good idea for Minnesota?” The time to ask that question is now.
*According to numerous scientists, there are many technical issues raised by the PolyMet EIS that are not resolved (and would not be resolved through public comment), including questions about groundwater flow, tailings basin sustainability, and the ability to “scale-up” various company claims. We need these issues and others to be formally examined.
*A contested case hearing is standard when requested in Minnesota’s regulatory setting.
*This request is not intended to limit or make any suggestion about rights that municipalities and/or landowners have to initiate a contested case hearing as well.
Duluth News Tribune coverage:
Sep 5 Op Ed: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/opinion/local-view/4108617-local-view-evidentiary-hearing-polymet-necessary-sensible
Sep 6 Article: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/business/4109431-duluth-councilors-want-polymet-hearings
Sep 13 Article: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/iron-range/4113943-duluth-city-council-rejects-polymet-resolution
Letter Signees (August 2017)
Elected Officials
Tina Liebling, State representative 26A
Amy Acker, Minneapolis, MN
Kevin Adah, Eden Prairie, MN
Rob Adams, Duluth, MN
Shonda Adams, Ann Arbor, MI
Madison Adel, Duluth, MN
Heidi Affi, Duluth, MN
Jeff Agaton Howed, Cloquet, MN
Clinton Aker, Superior, WI
Margaret Akhavan, Minneapolis, MN
Megan Alama, Duluth, MN
Kevin Alavy, Duluth, MN
Joy Albrecht, Duluth, MN
Jim Allen, Duluth, MN
Michaela Allen, Duluth, MN
James Allen, Duluth, MN
Dominique Allen, Zim, MN
Debbie Allert, Knife River, MN
Eric Ament, Duluth, MN
Ben Amiot, Duluth, MN
Beret Amundson, Duluth, MN
Amanda Anagnos, Duluth, MN
Chris Anderson, Bemidji, MN
Gary Anderson, Duluth, MN
Eric Anderson, Duluth, MN
Sam Anderson, Duluth, MN
Mary Anderson, Duluth, MN
SueF Anderson, Duluth, MN
Lesli Anderson, Minneapolis, MN
michelle anderson, Two Harbors, MN
Phil Anderson, Brule, WI
Philip Anderson, Maple, WI
Tanya Anderson, Superior, WI
Lori Anderson, Coon Rapids, MN
Lacrestia Anderson, Dresser, WI
Kristi Anderson, Roseville, MN
Heather Andrys, Duluth, MN
DyAnn Andybur, Duluth, MN
Yasmina Antcliff, Duluth, MN
angie Arden, Duluth, MN
Madeline Arnotl, Duluth, MN
Abby Arseneau, Duluth, MN
Nikki ASHENDORF, Muskegon, MI
Shana Aue, n/a, n/a
Deborah Augsburger, Duluth, MN
Kirsten Aunr, Duluth, MN
Thomas B, Duluth, MN
Mysti Babineau, White bear lake, MN
Judyth Babst, Duluth, MN
John Badger, CLOQUET, MN
Megan Badger, Duluth, MN
Shad Baggenstoss, Duluth, MN
Victoria Baker, Duluth, MN
Richard Ball, Duluth, MN
Elena Bantle, Saginaw, MN
Peter Barnett, Two Harbors, MN
Karen Barschdorf, Superior, WI
Erik Barsness, Duluth, MN
Beth Bartlett, Duluth, MN
Ally Bartlett, Duluth, MN
Elizabeth Bartlett, Duluth, MN
Jared Bartz, Duluth, MN
Julie Bates, Duluth, MN
PW Battees Jr., Duluth, MN
Sam Bauer, Duluth, MN
Carol Beach, Duluth, MN
Mirian Beadell, Morristown, MN
janelle beal, Roberts, WI
Joan Beaver, Stillwater, MN
Pat Becchetti, Stillwater, MN
Nathan Becke, Duluth, MN
Lily Beckwell, Superior, WI
Aga Bednarz, Duluth, MN
Claire Beneke, Duluth, MN
Chanda Benjamin, Pine City, MN
Jamie Bennett, Duluth, MN
Colter Benoit, Duluth, MN
Haley Benotson, Duluth, MN
Ron Benson, Duluth, MN
Libby Bent, Duluth, MN
Anne Bent, Duluth, MN
David Berggren, Duluth, MN
Irv Berlin, CABLE, MN
Jan Berlin, Cable, MN
Angela Berndt, ASHLAND, WI
M.Beverly Berntson, Duluth, MN
Tom Betts, Duluth, MN
Jerne Billiet, Duluth, MN
Billy Bingholm, Duluth, MN
Nicole Birch, Duluth, MN
Laura Birnbaum, Duluth, MN
Rebecca Bischoff, Duluth, MN
Anne Bisgaard, Stillwater, MN
James Bishop, Spooner, WI
Pamela Bjorklund, Duluth, MN
Linda Bjorklund, Prescott WI, WI
Leslie Black, Superior, WI
Brad Blackett, Beaver Bay Township, MN
Obbie Bladujim, Duluth, MN
Jessica Blechner, Brainerd, MN
Jesse Bleichner, Duluth, MN
Heather-Marie Bloom, Cromwell, MN
Britta Bloomquist, Duluth, MN
Gary Boelhower, Duluth, MN
Greg Boertje, Duluth, MN
Scot Bol, Duluth, MN
Stephanie Bollum, Duluth, MN
Joan Bolluyt, Twin Valley, MN
Sheryl Boman, Duluthno, MN
Mary Bombardier, Tower, MN
Eric Bong, Duluth, MN
Bryan Bongey, Duluth, MN
Judith Bonhiver, St Paul, MN
Steven Bonkoski, Duluth, MN
Jacob Boomsma, Duluth, MN
Susan Boorsma, Duluth, MN
Anna Bosch, Brainerd, MN
Kay Boucher, Duluth, MN
Carol Boudl, Duluth, MN
Zachary Bourgeault, Duluth, MN
Shawn Bourgeois, Duluth, MN
Kenne Bowers, Duluth, MN
David Bowman, Minneapolis, MN
Alice Bowron, Crystal, MN
Lisa Brennan, Minneapolis, MN
Jane Brenny, Duluth, MN
Alan Brew, Ashland, WI
Katelyn Brinza, Duluth, MN
Jodi Broadwell, Duluth, MN
Carolyn Brooks, Duluth, MN
Elizabeth Brophy, Duluth, MN
Ellen Brown, Duluth, MN
Emily Brown, Ely, MN
Peyton Bruce, Duluth, MN
John Bruch, Grand Marais, MN
Echo Brueberg, Duluth, MN
Alison Brueggemann, St. Paul, MN
Gloria Brush, Duluth, MN
Luke Brynjolfson, Duluth, MN
Elizabeth Buchanan, Duluth, MN
Micaela Buda, Duluth, MN
Micaua Buda, Duluth, MN
Tanner Buggrauff, Duluth, MN
Sally Bujold, Cook, MN
Kathleen Burghardi, Minneapolis, MN
Hannah Burgstaler, Duluth, MN
Mathew Burich, Duluth, MN
Mat Burich, Duluth, MN
Jane Burnes Levernz, Hinckley, MN
Carol Burns, Duluth, MN
Ann Burns, Monticello, MN
Stephen Burris, Duluth, MN
Lauren Burton, Knife River, MN
Tyler Burzynski, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Buseman, Duluth, MN
Curtis Bush, Cotton, MN
Alana Butler, Duluth, MN
Matthew Butler, Ely, MN
Katy Buytaert, Cloquet, MN
Duane Buytaert, Cloquet, MN
Connor Cahill, Duluth, MN
Natalie Cahill, Pine City, MN
Caleigh Cain, Duluth, MN
Ben Caine, Duluth, MN
Jake Callahan, Duluth, MN
Shawn Callahan, Biwabik, MN
Serenity Campbell, Duluth, MN
ChristopherS CaneJR, Duluth, MN
xaiver Cantell, Pembina , ND
Carol Caouette, Stillwater, MN
Katja Cappetta, Minneapolis, MN
Joshua Capps, Grand Marais, MN
Jessica Carlson, Duluth, MN
Courtny Carlson, Duluth, MN
sue Carlson, Duluth, MN
Dave Carlson, Ft. Ripley, MN
Senator Carolyn Laine, Columbia Heights, MN
Shawn Carr, Duluth, MN
Marlene Case, Foxboro, WI
Fran ceder, Long lake, MN
Jon ceder, Long lake, MN
Lynnda Cesar, Maplewood, MN
Ann Choate, Duluth, MN
Ryan Christenson, Duluth, MN
Rebecca Christian, Cloquet, MN
Samuel Chumas, Duluth, MN
Edward Cismoshi, Duluth, MN
Edna Ciurleo, Duluth, MN
Tracie Clanaugh, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Clark, Duluth, MN
Samantha Clarke, Crystal, MN
Nick Clarn, Wayzata, MN
Zac Cline, Duluth, MN
Amara Cline, Duluth, MN
Janice Cohen, Duluth, MN
Rachel Colber, Ely, MN
Alex Comb, Knife River, MN
Tim Comfort, Duluth, MN
Ashley Compton, Duluth, MN
James Conniff, Duluth, MN
Michael Connolly, Duluth, MN
April Conwell, Duluth, MN
Morgan Cook, Duluth, MN
Carol Cooley, Saint Cloud, MN
Sharon Coombs, SHOREVIEW, MN
Carly Coulson, Duluth, MN
Elise Courtright, Duluth, MN
Mary Cowen, Saginaw, MN
Delaney Coy, Duluth, MN
Penny Cragun, Duluth, MN
Rodger Cragun, Duluth, MN
David Craig, Maple Grove, MN
Diane Crater, Afton, MN
Sherry Crayne, Minneapolis, MN
Lily Cregan, St. Paul, MN
Elizabeth Cregan, St. Paul, MN
Mary Creighton, Virginia, MN
Andrea Crouse, Duluth, MN
Josephine Cunningham, Duluth, MN
Christy Cupppy, Duluth, MN
Abe Curran, Duluth, MN
Georgia Curtis, Duluth, MN
Steve Cwodzinski, Eden Prairie, MN
Alicia Cyr, Duluth, MN
Logan Czarnota, Duluth, MN
Ella Dabney, Lindstrom, MN
Susan Dailey, Duluth, MN
Cheryl Dannenbring, Duluth, MN
Joan Dark, Hudson, WI
Vine Darling, Duluth, MN
Sophie Daugherty, Duluth, MN
Roberta Davenport, Duluth, MN
Melody David-McKnight, Duluth, MN
Suzanne Davies, Lutsen, MN
Julie Davis, Duluth, MN
Brett DeBruyne, Duluth, MN
Mary DeCarlo, Stillwater, MN
Kraig Decker, Duluth, MN
Samantha Dehnke-Turpin, Shakopee, MN
Jim DeLanghe, Hermantown, MN
Hadrian DeMaioribus, Duluth, MN
Nick DeMaioribus, Duluth, MN
Carmel DeMaioribus, Duluth, MN
Susan Dergantz, Anoka, MN
Jean DeRider, Duluth, MN
Justin DeRusha, Blaine, MN
Dallas Desrosiers, Minneapolis, MN
Audrey Devine Eller, Duluth, MN
Sara Dhuse, Duluth, MN
Diane Dinndorf Friebe, Two Harbors, MN
Olivia Dirvova, Troy, NY
Charlin Diver, Cloquet, MN
Theresa Diver, Cloquet, MN
Dorothea Diver, Duluth, MN
charles dizard, natrona heights, PA
Jill Doberstein, Duluth, MN
Ann Doberstein, Duluth, MN
John Doberstein, Duluth, MN
Tristan Dobie, Grand Rapids, MN
Kourtney Dobmeir, Duluth, MN
Barb Dobson, Tower, MN
Hope Docter, Duluth, MN
Rebecca Domagala, Duluth, MN
Mary Lou Donavan, Duluth, MN
Piper Donlin, Duluth, MN
Mary Dougherty, Bayfield, WI
judi Dowell, MINNEAPOLIS, MN
Michael Dragsten, Duluth, MN
Christa Drake, Cloquet, MN
Janet Draper, Duluth, MN
pat dunlap, cloquet, MN
Jeff Durfee, Duluth, MN
Joette Durfee, Duluth, MN
Tim Dwyer, Duluth, MN
Alex Dxe, Duluth, MN
Evan Dyce, Rochester, MN
Lizzie Easter, Duluth, MN
Chris Eaton, Brooklyn Center, MN
Alex Ebens, Duluth, MN
Bethany Ebert, Duluth, MN
Sara Eder, Duluth, MN
Marian Edgington, Spring Grove, MN
Heather Edgington, Spring Grove, MN
Valarie Edinger, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Edinger, Minneapolis, MN
Kris Eilers, Duluth, MN
Kristi Eilers, DULUTH, MN
Brent Elling, Duluth, MN
Doug Ellingson, Minneapolis, MN
Cyn Ellingson, Minneapolis, MN
Cecilia Elliott, Chatfield, MN
Dave Enyart, Brook Park, MN
Juliana Epstein, Duluth, MN
Julianna Epstein, Duluth, MN
Deanna Erickson, Duluth, MN
Andrew Erickson, Duluth, MN
Kristian Erickson, Duluth, MN
Kaitlin Erpestad, Duluth, MN
Aaron Estness, Cloquet, MN
Jill F., Duluth, MN
Sean Faacks, Duluth, MN
Jackie Falk, Duluth , MN
Samuel Farmer-Lies, Duluth, MN
Pat Farrell, Duluth, MN
Margaret Fawcett, Duluth, MN
Ryan Feldbrugge, Duluth, MN
Emily Ferguson, Duluth, MN
Cynthia Fetzer, Andover, MN
Zack Filipovich, Duluth, MN
Lydia Firey, Duluth, MN
Martha Firling, Duluth, MN
Conrad Firling, Duluth, MN
Jordan Fischer, Rogers, MN
Darci Fischer, Waite Park, MN
Pam Fischer, Green Bay, WI
Elizabeth Fisher, Duluth, MN
Shannon Fitch, Grand Rapids, MN
Lisa Fitzpatrick, Duluth, MN
Dennis FitzPatrick, Grand Marais, MN
Diana Fitzpatrick, Lake Crystal, MN
David Flanugan, St. Peter, MN
Matt Flarg, Wilmar, MN
Sarah Flicek, Delano, MN
Jeanne Flint, Duluth, MN
Irene Folstrom, Duluth, MN
Corey Ford, Duluth, MN
Elena Foshay, Saint Paul, MN
Thalia Foss, Cloquet, MN
Emily Foster, Waconia, MN
Thomas Foucault, Proctor, MN
Cheryl Fox, Duluth, MN
Jill Fox, Eden Prairie, MN
Ted France, Duluth, MN
Alisa Franchico, Duluth, MN
Tyler Frantz, Duluth, MN
Sean Franzen, Duluth, MN
Gerry Frase, Duluth, MN
Annika Frazer, Duluth, MN
Thomas Frazier, St. Paul, MN
Sarah Frederick, Minneapolis, MN
John Freeman, Duluth, MN
Bryan French, Duluth, MN
Leigh Freyholtz, Ham Lake, MN
Jeffrey Frush, Minneapolis, MN
Mary Frush, Minneapolis, MN
Elizabeth Fryberger, Duluth, MN
Richard S. Fryberger, Duluth, MN
Kayli Fuhrman, Duluth, MN
Cassidy Fulton, Duluth, MN
Thomas Furman, Duluth, MN
Jodi Furman, Duluth, MN
Abby Furman, Duluth, MN
Larry Furo, Duluth, MN
Lindsay Furtack, Duluth, MN
Lindsay Furtak, Duluth, MN
Angela Gaare, Minneapolis, MN
Michael Gabler, Duluth, MN
Paula Gabriel, Duluth, MN
Mae Gackstetter, Duluth, MN
Greg Gailen, Grand Marais, MN
Jami Gaither, Shevlin, MN
Dan Gaither, Shevlin, MN
Mermele Galey, Duluth, MN
Gina Gallagher, Duluth, MN
Laura Gapske, Superior, WI
Ernesto Garcia, Duluth, MN
Sharla Gardner, Duuth, MN
Ben Garland, Duluth, MN
Kenneth Garland, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Garland, Duluth, MN
Melissa Garza, Duluth, MN
Chris Gaspard, Golden Valley, MN
Geoffrey Gates, Duluth, MN
Kathleen Gates, Lake City Mn, MN
Laura Gauger, Duluth, MN
kerry gauthier, Duluth, MN
Susan Geissler, Duluth, MN
Andrea Gelb, Duluth, MN
Susan George, Minneapolis, MN
April Gerard, Lutsen, MN
Martha Gerkey, Stillwater, MN
Joan Gilbert, Duluth, MN
John Gilbert, Duluth, MN
Anita Gille, Duluth, MN
Diana Gillespie, San Francisco, CA
thomas gilliam, duluth, MN
Gail Gilliland, Duluth, MN
Foster Gilliland, Duluth, MN
James Gilmore, Duluth, MN
Scot Gison, Bovey, MN
Judy Gitar, Duluth , MN
Linda Glaser, Duluth, MN
Connor Glenn, Duluth, MN
Sarah Glesner, Duluth, MN
Elisabeth Gliddon, Anoka, MN
Mariana Glitsos, Duluth, MN
Amber Godden, Duluth, MN
Jamie Goettl, Two Harbors, MN
Sharon Goettl, Nicollet, MN
Crystal Goldman, Duluth, MN
Mark Good, Grand Marais , MN
Brynna Goraczkonsa, Duluth, MN
Caree Gordon, Duluth, MN
Cam Gordon, Minneapolis, MN
Roxanne Gould, Duluth, MN
Nora Goustin, Minneapolis, MN
Nicole Grace, Duluth, MN
Jesse Grebenc, Cook, MN
Sophia Green, Duluth, MN
Katie Green, Duluth, MN
J Greene, New Ulm, MN
Madison Greeney, Duluth, MN
Peter Greenlee, Saginaw, MN
Pete Greenley, Duluth, MN
Jeff Greensmith, Duluth, MN
Lee Gresback, Duluth, MN
Tori Grew, Duluth, MN
Hannah Griffin, Duluth, MN
Taylor Grimsbo, Duluth, MN
Grae Grolo, Duluth, MN
Danica Groner, Duluth, MN
Gail Groteboer, Kasson , MN
Sage Grothe, Le Sueur, MN
Micki Grover, Duluth, MN
Toni Grow, Duluth, MN
Ashley Grunnleuald, Duluth, MN
Robette Guck, Duluth, MN
Alyson Gullette, Andover, MN
Hannah Gunderson, Duluth, MN
Aleksandra Gurneau, Duluth, MN
Brent Gurtek, Duluth Township, MN
David Gustafson, Duluth, MN
Dalyce Gustafson, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Gutowski, Duluth, MN
Drew Guttormson, Duluth, MN
Lacy Habdas, Duluth, MN
Jo Haberman, Duluth, MN
Robert Haberman, Eugene, OR
Arden Habermehl, Duluth, MN
Sadie Hadger, Duluth, MN
Ellen Hadley, Anoka, MN
Tanner Hagglund, Duluth, MN
JT Haines, Duluth, MN
Diane Haines, Eden Prairie, MN
Thomas Haines, Iowa City, IA
Teresa Halmonen, Minneapolis, MN
Shelby Hammerschmidt, Duluth, MN
Jnana Hand, Duluth, MN
Sherman Handberg, Duluth, MN
William Hansen, Grand Marais, MN
Mikayla Hansen, Waconia, MN
Karen Hanson, Duluth, MN
Megan Hanson, Duluth, MN
Jordyn Hardy, Duluth, MN
Lauren Harewood, Duluth, MN
Karlie Harinen, Duluth, MN
Shelby Harmon, Duluth, MN
John Harrington, Stacy, MN
Dylan Harris, Duluth, MN
Scott Hart, Duluth, MN
Mike Hartley, Duluth, MN
James Harvie, Duluth, MN
Nancy Hassett, Big Lake, MN
Erik Hatlestad, New London, MN
Don Haugen, Duluth, MN
Kristie Haugen, Duluth, MN
Connie Haugen, Esko, MN
Christina Hausman, Minneapolis, MN
Alice Hausman, St.Paul, MN
Noreen Hautala, Grand Rapids, MN
Susan Hawkinson, Duluth, MN
Frank Hawthorne, Petoskey, MI
Dottie Hawthorne, Petosky, MI
Kari Hedin, Duluth, MN
Susan Hedtke, Monticello, MN
Jocelyn Heid, Duluth, MN
Steve Heinrich, Duluth, MN
Clay Helberg, Duluth, MN
Henry Helgen, Duluth, MN
Kassie Helgerson, Duluth, MN
Paula Hemer, Stillwater, MN
Bailey Hendrycks, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Hengelfelt, Dellwood, MN
Gerry Henkel, Duluth Township, MN
Jes Henkes, Duluth, MN
Jack Herbert, Duluth, MN
Kathy Hermes, Duluth, MN
Dave Herrera, Duluth, MN
Allison Herrick, Duluth, MN
Norman Herron, Duluth, MN
Linda Herron, Duluth, MN
Norm Herron, Duluth, MN
Lisa Herthel, Duluth, MN
Brett Hestness, Duluth, MN
Quinn Heutmaker, Duluth, MN
Morgan Hexum, Duluth, MN
Gail Higgins, Duluth, MN
Tina Higgins Wussow, Duluth, MN
Warren High, Duluth, MN
Kyle Hill, Duluth, MN
tanner hill, Duluth, MN
Shawn Hill, Ely, MN
Lori Hilton, Duluth, MN
Kjell Hinkel, Duluth, MN
Matt Hinnenkamp, Duluth, MN
Mitchell Hinnenkimp, Duluth, MN
Emily Hinz, Duluth, MN
Jessica Hodge, Duluth, MN
julie Hoecherl, Minneapolis, MN
Traci Hoeltke, Manitowoc, WI
Gregg Hoffman, Duluth, MN
David Hoffman, Duluth, MN
Victoria Hofmeister, Duluth, MN
Bridget Holcomb, Duluth, MN
Elizabeth Holcomb, Saginaw, MN
john holcomb, Saginaw, MN
Nicole Holden, Duluth, MN
Bruce Holmen, Duluth, MN
Nathan Holst, Duluth, MN
Becky Holum-Brytowski, Princeton + Ely, MN
Nancy Hone, St. Paul, MN
Danielle Hoppe, Duluth, MN
Julia Horn, Duluth, MN
Hunter House, Maple Grove, MN
Seth Hovland, Duluth, MN
Warren Howe, Duluth, MN
Thomas Howes, Duluth, MN
Doug Hubred, Golden Valley, MN
Henry Hubred, Golden Valley, MN
Katie Humphrey, Duluth, MN
Amanda Hunter, Duluth, MN
Kathryn Hyde, Esko, MN
Emily Hysjulien, Duluth, MN
Jason Ideker, Duluth, MN
Maria Isley, Duluth, MN
Annalise Iwen, Duluth, MN
Lyz Jaakola, Cloquet, MN
Hunter Jaakola, Cloquet, MN
Sally Jackson, Duluth, MN
Thomas Jackson, Duluth, MN
Dana Jackson, Stillwater, MN
Melanie Jacobs, Center City, MN
Daniel Jandl, Duluth, MN
Mike Jaros, Duluth, MN
William Jaskowiak, Eau Claire, WI
Anne Jasperson, Knife River, MN
Zach Johns, Hibbing, MN
Ty Johnson, Carleton, MN
Bruce Johnson, Duluth, MN
Ann Johnson, Duluth, MN
Liz Johnson, Duluth, MN
Theodore Johnson, Duluth, MN
Jo Johnson, Duluth, MN
Delaney Johnson, Duluth, MN
Mark Johnson, Duluth, MN
Debra Johnson, Duluth, MN
Katie Johnson, Duluth, MN
stephanie johnson, grand marais, MN
Forrest Johnson, Knife River, MN
MaryAlice Johnson, Minneapolis, MN
Amanda Johnson, Two Harbors, MN
Larry Johnson, Two Harbors, MN
Jeff Jokela, Ely, MN
David Jones, Duluth, MN
Linda Jorgenson, Washburn, WI
Molly Josefson, Duluth, MN
Olivia Juel, Duluth, MN
Ginger Juel, Duluth, MN
Christine Juel, Superior, WI
David Juergens, Kansas City, MO
Lindsey Jungman, Duluth, MN
Brian Jungman, Duluth, MN
Rebecca Kallio, Aitkin, MN
Lea Kanani, Duluth, MN
Lori Kangas Olson, Bovey, MN
Sydney Karels, Duluth, MN
Jan Karon, Duluth, MN
Carey Kasapidis, Duluth, MN
Elizabeth Kassekert, Greenville, SC
Rachel Kaul, Afton, MN
Div Kaushik, Los Angeles, CA
Kimberly Keelor, Duluth, MN
Ellie Keen, Duluth, MN
Cindy Kehus, Duluth, MN
Glenn Kellahan, Duluth, MN
Judy Kelley, Cloquet, MN
Lori Kelley, Cloquet, MN
Loni Kemp, Canton , MN
Ava Kempton, Minneapolis, MN
carol Kenschaft, Grand rapids, MN
Tia Keobounpheng, Minneapolis, MN
Hannah Kil, Duluth, MN
C. Jean Kilgour, Duluth, MN
David Kimball, Duluth, MN
Faith King, Duluth, MN
Marie-Claire Kirch, Duluth, MN
Tonia Kittelson, Duluth, MN
Kim Kittilson, Silver Bay, MN
Carol Kivi, Duluth, MN
Molly Klassen, Duluth, MN
Deborah Kleese, Ely, MN
Aaron Klemz, Fridley, MN
Sydne Klohn, Duluth, MN
Jon Klopp, Duluth, MN
Bernadette Knaeble, Minneapolis, MN
Bunter Knowles, Duluth, MN
Haley Knuth, Duluth, MN
Taylor Kochan, Duluth, MN
Morgan Kohler, Duluth, MN
Catherine Kohlmeier, Duluth, MN
Robert Kohlmeier, Hermantown, MN
Gary G. Kohls, Duluth, MN
Barbara Kokotovich, Duluth, MN
Quinn Kolb, Apple Valley, MN
Jennifer Kolstad, Zimmerman, MN
Thiago Kono, Stillwater, MN
Lucas Konz, Ham Lake, MN
Malacky Koons, Duluth, MN
Michael Koppy, Duluth, MN
Kevin Korzenowski, Duluth, MN
Jane Koschak, Stony River Township , MN
Steve Koschak, Stony Twnp, MN
Robert Kosuth, Duluth, MN
Lauren Kotz, Duluth, MN
Jim Kotz, Rosemount, MN
Scott Kovacovich, Duluth, MN
Valerie Kozlovsky, Maple, WI
Alicia Kozlowski Cyr, Duluth, MN
Sophia Kragabring, Duluth, MN
Lucas Kramee, Duluth, MN
Samantha Kramer, Duluth, MN
Nyssa Krause, Duluth, MN
Christina Krauz, Grand MarIs, MN
Rebecca Kremer, HUDSON , WI
Jessica Kretzschmar, Duluth, MN
Katie Krikorian, Duluth, MN
Diane Kruger, Superior, WI
John Krumm, Duluth, MN
Mark Kruse, Duluth, MN
Mark-John Kruse, Duluth, MN
Kurt Kuehn, Duluth, MN
Hanna Kuhl, Duluth, MN
Mike Kuitu, Duluth, MN
Dan La Vigne, Shoreview, MN
Nancy LaChance, Duluth, MN
Lee Anne Lack, Montrose, MN
Sydney Ladell, Duluth, MN
Joan Lafontaine, Duluth, MN
Nora Lahm, Minneapolis, MN
Pamela Lake, Duluth, MN
Jill Lakhan, Duluth MN, MN
Tim LaMaster, Duluth, MN
Sheila Lamb, Cloquet, MN
Sebastian Lambeert, Berlin, Germany
Jacob Lambrecht, Duluth, MN
Ryan Lamont, Austin, MN
Maria Landfried, Duluth, MN
Debra Lapinski, Robbinsdale, MN
Ashley LaPlante, Duluth, MN
Cynthia Lapp, Duluth, MN
Sarannah Lapp, Duluth, MN
Kristin Larsen, Pequaywan, Pequaywan
Rachel Larson, Duluth, MN
Lisa Larson, Duluth, MN
Contessa Larson, Rochester, MN
Lydia Larson, Waconia, MN
Cynthia Launer, Minneapolis, MN
Sarah Lawrence, Duluth, MN
Linnea Lebens, Superior, WI
Ashton Lebrun, Duluth, MN
John Lee, Duluth, MN
Mark Lehigh, Duluth, MN
connie Lehr, Lutsen, MN
Rebecca Lehto, Lutsen, MN
Micca Leider, Shorewood, MN
Kay Leon, Two Harbors, MN
Robert Leonard, Duluth, MN
Cameron Lessner, Duluth, MN
Emily Levang, Minneapolis, MN
Olivia Levitt, Cloquet, MN
Nancy Lewis, Duluth, MN
Zachary Lewis, Duluth, MN
Annie Lexen, Turtle Lake, WI
Taylor Leyre, Duluth, MN
Justina Lieberg, Reedsburg, WI
Tina Liebling, Rochester, MN
Herbert Lieffring, Grand Rapids, MN
William Lincoln, Creswell, OR
Machelle Lind, Duluth, MN
Sheryl Lind, Duluth, MN
Elise Lindell, Minneapolis, MN
Kathryn Lindquist, Ramsey, MN
Emalee Lindstrom, Duluth, MN
Taylor Linell, Duluth, MN
Cooper Ling, Duluth, MN
Dave Litsenberger, Ely, MN
Tony Little, Aurora, MN
Stacey Loberg, Duluth, MN
Pat Lockyear, Stillwater, MN
Sean Loftus, Duluth, MN
allen loken, duluth, MN
Tessa Losh, Duluth, MN
Emily Louise Dockendorf, Duluth, MN
Steph Love, Dulith, MN
Tasha Love, St. Paul, MN
Carol Lovegren, Monticelloh, MN
Gail Loverud, Ham Lake, MN
jim low, herbster, WI
Dale Lucas, Duluth, MN
John Ludwig, Superior, WI
Kim Luedtke, Duluth, MN
tim luedtke, duluth , MN
Dakota Luk, Duluth, MN
Patti Luke, Duluth, MN
Greg Luke, Duluth, MN
Cedar Luke, Duluth, MN
Gregory Luke, Duluth, MN
Danielle Lundeen, Cloquet, MN
Lisa Luokkala, Duluth, MN
Victoria Lynn Turke, Plymouth, MN
Ingrid Lyons, Ely, MN
Skylar Lysaker, Two Harbors, MN
Phil Lysdahl, Nowthen, MN
Sean Mac Manus, Duluth , MN
Paula Maccabee, Duluth, MN
Chris Macdonald, Superior, WI
Blair MacGibbon, Duluth, MN
Samantha Madsen, Duluth, MN
Janet Magree, Duluth, MN
Jan Magree, Duluth , MN
Bella Maki, Duluth, MN
Nicole Maki, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Maki, Duluth, MN
Michael Maleska, Hibbing, MN
Brian Malloy, Minneapolis, MN
Kevin Malmquist, Duluth, MN
Brian Mann, Oak Grove, MN
Allison Marie, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Marksteiner, Duluth, MN
Chris Marshall, Duluth, MN
Julie Martin, Bovey, MN
Ann Martin, Stillwater, MN
Taylor Martin-Romme, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Martin-Romme, Duluth, MN
Brenda Martini, Cloquet, MN
Bridgit Maruska, Duluth, MN
Bridget Maruska, Duluth, MN
Debra Masters, Shoreview, MN
Marilyn Matheny, Park Rapids, MN
Shannon May, Duluth, MN
Sheila Maybanks, Stillwater, MN
Lance Mayberry, Duluth, MN
Michael Mayou, Duluth, MN
m mayry, Duluth, MN
Terry McCarthy, Duluth, MN
Wendy McClure, Duluth, MN
Johhny McCormick, Duluth, MN
Harmony McCullough, Duluth, MN
Mikayla McCullouh, Duluth, MN
Mark McElroy, Duluth, MN
Jennifer McEwen, Duluth, MN
Micky McGilligan, TWO HARBORS, MN
Caris McGrady-Wilzy, Duluth, MN
clairlynn mcguigan, pine river, MN
Adele McHenry-Koenen, Chardon , OH
Jayme McKenna, Duluth, MN
Kathryn McKenzie, Superior, WI
Andy McKibben, ELY, MN
Stacey McKnight, Rochester, MN
Richard McKnight, Rochester, MN
Patricia McNulty, Duluth, MN
Trinke McNurlin, Spooner, WI
Kathleen McQuillan, Cook, MN
Ian McShane, Duluth, MN
Kathy McTavish, Duluth, MN
Scott Mead, Duluth, MN
Francois Medion, Duluth, MN
Jeanne Mehlhop, Laporte, MN
joan meierotto, Afton, MN
Angela Mejia, Duluth, MN
F. Mary Melander, Duluth, MN
Timothy Melby, Duluth, MN
Patricia Melich, Afton, MN
Kathryn Menard, Portland, OR
Joanna Menchaca, Duluth, MN
Jessica Mendez Jeffers, Moose Lake , MN
Cruz Mendoza, Duluth, MN
Michael Messenger, Duluth, MN
Sophia Meuu, Spooner, WI
Nadine Meyer, Silver Bay, MN
Carol Michealson, Duluth, MN
Samantha Midbon, Superior, WI
Terence Miles, Isle, MN
Ann Miller, Duluth, MN
Angie MIller, Duluth, MN
Nick Miller, Duluth, MN
Jaylen Miller, Duluth, MN
Gina Miller, Duluth, MN
Joanie Miller, Duluth, MN
Kate Miller, Superior, WI
Jennifer Misquadace, Cloquet, MN
Abigail Mlinar, Duluth, MN
Casey Modich, Cloquet, MN
Frank Moe, Hovland, MN
Garner Moffat, Duluth, MN
Joe Mogren, Duluth, MN
MaryBeth Mohr, Walker, MN
Harry Momoh, Duluth, MN
Harry Momoh, Duluth, MN
Brandon Monson, Duluth, MN
Leah Monson, Duluth, MN
Craig Moody, Minnetrista, MN
Henry Moore, Duluth, MN
Charles Moore, Duluth, MN
Diana Moore, Duluth, MN
Hal Moore, Duuth, MN
Jimmy Morales, Duluth, MN
Lucas Morcomb, Duluth, MN
Julie Morgan, Duluth, MN
Thomas Morgan, Duluth, MN
Matthew Morgan, Duluth, MN
Claudia Morgan, Stillwater, MN
Meghan Morrow, Duluth, MN
Toni Morse, Duluth, MN
Allison Mueller, Duluth, MN
Megan Mulcahy, Duluth, MN
Shawna Mullen, Duluth, MN
Alan Muller, Red Wing, MN
Dawn Muncy, Duluth, MN
Sally Munger, Duluth, MN
Mihika Murdeshav, Duluth, MN
Cooper Murnane, Duluth, MN
Katelynn Murner, Duluth, MN
Michael Murphy, OSCEOLA, MN
Amanda Murray, Duluth, MN
PatriceNo Mushlin, Hartland, MN
Allison Musolf, Waconia, MN
Stine Myrah, Duluth, MN
Michele Naar-Obed, duluth, MN
Pamela Nault, Duluth, MN
Janelle Neal, Roberts, WI
Dan Neff, Duluth, MN
Alyssa Nelson, Duluth, MN
Mollie Nelson, Duluth, MN
Nancy Nelson, Duluth, MN
Barbara Nelson, Duluth, MN
Judy Nelson, Esko, MN
Rachel Nelson, Two Harbors, MN
Ardis Nelson, Annandale, MN
Nathan Nesgoda, Duluth, MN
Barbara Neubert, St paul, MN
Kam Newby, Anderson, WI
Mary-Bernadette Newcomb, Duluth, MN
Carole Newkumet, Duluth, MN
Ina Newton, Duluth, MN
Ginger Newton, Minneapolis, MN
Sisley Ng, Duluth, MN
William Nicholas, Duluth, MN
William Nichols, Duluth, MN
Lesley Nielsen, Duluth, MN
Ryan Nilo, St. Paul, MN
Debors Nivotny, Duluth, MN
Christina Nohre, Knife River, MN
Jane Nolan, Aitkin, MN
Angie Nolle, Duluth, MN
Susan Nordin, Duluth, MN
Korey Northrup, Fond du Lac , MN
Korii Northrup, Fond du Lac , MN
Emily Norton, Duluth MN, MN
Shirley Norwood, Riverside , CA
Cole Nubson, Duluth, MN
Susan Nygaard, Duluth, MN
Emily Nygren, Duluth, MN
Taylor Nyland, Duluth, MN
Jenean O'Brien, Duluth, MN
Emma O'Conner, Duluth, MN
Lauren O'Dougherty, Duluth, MN
Patty O'Keefe, Minneapolis, MN
Ellen O'Neill, Duluth Township, MN
Kristie O'Neill, Duluth, MN
Mark ohnaon, Duluth, MN
Madonna Ohse, Duluth, MN
Heidi Ojibway, Cloquet, MN
Mattea Olkonen, Duluth, MN
Adrienne Olmstead, DULUTH, MN
Liz Olson, Duluth, MN
Gary Olson, Duluth, MN
Kyrsten Olson, Duluth, MN
Abbey Olson, Duluth, MN
Juliana Olson, Duluth, MN
Sue Olson, Duluth, MN
Lynn Olund, Duluth, MN
Connor OMalley, Bemidji, MN
Connie Omdahl, Warren, MN
Mark Onnen, Duluth, MN
Nenette Onstad, Two Harbors, MN
Roy Orr, Duluth, MN
Wayne Ortloff, Duluth, MN
McKenna Osborn, Duluth. MN, MN
Dagan Osman, Duluth, MN
nancy oswald, St Paul, MN
Susan Oswood, Barnum, MN
Jim Otto, Duluth, MN
Rebecca Otto, Marine, MN
Cara Overland, Duluth, MN
Mary Overland, Duluth, MN
Mary Owen, Duluth, MN
Sheila Packa, Duluth, MN
Lisa Palmer, Superior, WI
Sandra Pappas, St paul, MN
Lacey Parr, Duluth, MN
Linda Parranto, Duluth, MN
Derrick Passe, Two Harbors, MN
VictorJohn Path, Duluth, MN
Levar Patterson, Duluth, MN
Brian Paulsen, Duluth, MN
Andrew Pearson, Minneapolis, MN
Corwin Pederson, Duluth, MN
Abigail Pederson, Duluth, MN
John Pegg, Duluth, MN
Lyn Clark Pegg, Duluth, MN
LynnClark Pegg, Duluth, MN
Lynn Pegg, Duluth, MN
Luke Pelant, Duluth, MN
Bret Pence, Duluth, MN
Janice Penn, Highbridge, WI
Dawn Perra, Andover, MN
cay peterson, brainerd, MN
Carl Peterson, Duluth, MN
Maddie Peterson, Duluth, MN
Kathy Peterson, Duluth, MN
Jessica Peterson, Duluth, MN
Kent Peterson, Duluth, MN
Jesse Peterson, Duluth, MN
Aaron Peterson, Superior, WI
Paul Peterson, Superior, WI
Clarice Peterson, Superior, WI
Thyma Phat, Duluth, MN
Maddi Phelps, Duluth, MN
Peter Pierce, Duluth, MN
Candice Pierce, Hermantown, MN
Alice pierce, Hermantown, MN
Debbie Pierce, Minneapolis, MN
Howard Pierce, QLD, Australia
Chad Pierson, Duluth, MN
Morgan Pirsig, Duluth, MN
Tony Pitoscia, Duluth, MN
Anna Plotnik, Apple Valley, MN
Abbie Plouff, Duluth, MN
Terri Poe, Anoka, MN
Patty Polasky, Hermantown, MN
Craig Poorker, Robbinsdale, MN
Courtney Popp, Lacrosse, WI
Linda Porten, Grand Rapids, MN
Catherine Posch, Duluth, MN
Warren Post, Duluth, MN
Daniel Post, Buffalo , NY
Justin Powers, Duluth, MN
Walter Prentice, Duluth, MN
Therese Presley, Duluth, MN
margi preus, Duluth, MN
Michael Pruden, Duluth, MN
Carly Pruszinske, Duluth, MN
Nicole Pulcino, Albany, NY
Sam Quackenbush, Duluth, MN
Debra Quinn, Richfield, MN
Joyce Raab-Faber, McIntosh, MN
Alexa Rafferty, Duluth, MN
Amanda Ramin, Duluth, MN
Jessica Randall Greeley, Duluth, MN
Robin Raplinger, Virginia, MN
Matt Raske, Ely Mn, MN
Anita Rauschenfels, Duluth, MN
James Read, Avon, MN
Robin Reckinger, Duluth, MN
Harry Redmann, Duluth, MN
Lauren Reed, Duluth, MN
Sarah Reed, San Francisco, CA
Kari Rehrauer, Coon Rapids, MN
Anne Reich, Marine on St Croix, MN
Doretta Reisenweber, Duluth, MN
Jane Reyer, Minneapolis, MN
Lynn Rice, Bloomington, MN
Allen Richardson, Duluth, MN
Janet Rignon, Duluth, MN
Richard Ringerud, Princeton, MN
Earnestine Ritchie, Scottsdale, AZ
Brittany Robb, Duluth, MN
Nathan Robb, Duluth, MN
Wendy Robertson, Brimson, MN
Barry Robinson, Houston, TX
Patricia Robinson, Columbia Heights, MN
Scott Rockvam, Cold spring, MN
Phynix Rodel, Duluth, MN
Jesse Ronning, Blaine, MN
Mark Roos, Duluth, MN
Owen Ross, Superior, WI
Jessica Rossing, Duluth, MN
John Roterman, Cloquet, MN
Ali Rothschild, Duluth, MN
Billie Rouse, Babbitt, MN
Sherry Rovig, Duluth, MN
Kim rowley, duluth, MN
Ashley Roy, Duluth, MN
LeeDavid Roy, Duluth, MN
Dee Ann Royce, Two Harbors, MN
Jennifer Rubin, golden valley, MN
Nathan Runaway, Duluth, MN
Barbara Russ, Duluth, MN
Yvonne Rutford, Duluth, MN
Hollin Rutledge, Duluth, MN
Zach Ryan, Dululth, MN
Colleen Ryan, Minneapolis, MN
Mark Ryan, Minneapolis, MN
Brianna Rykken, Duluth, MN
Patricia Rysdam, Andover, MN
Shannon Saari, Washburn, WI
Carl Sack, Madison, WI
Wendy Saliin, Duluth, MN
Julius Salinas, Esko, MN
Denise Salo, Duluth, MN
Nancy Sampson, Minneapolis, MN
Megan Samuelson, Iowa City, IA
Scott Sandberg, Mound, MN
Andrea Sande, Duluth, MN
Babette Sandman, Duluth, MN
Ray Sandman, Duluth, MN
Erin Sandra, Duluth, MN
Carver Saniers, Duluth, MN
Mikaela Sarran, Duluth, MN
Zach Sasker, Duluth, MN
Judy Sausen, Duluth, MN
Wendy Savage, Duluth, MN
Andrea Sayers, Duluth, MN
Lynne Scalzo, Duluth, MN
Bernard Scanlan, Minneapolis, MN
James Schafhauser, Duluth, MN
Rose Schafhauser, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Schally, Stillwater, MN
Diana Schansberg, Otsego, MN
Dustin Schaper, Ely, MN
Tom Schaub, Duluth, MN
Nellie Scheffler, Duluth, MN
Carmen Schempp, Duluth, MN
Jade Schmeing, Duluth, MN
John Schmidt, Duluth, MN
Nolan Schmidt, Duluth, MN
Kyleah Schmidt, Duluth, MN
Madisen Schmitz, Duluth, MN
Gail Schoenfelder, Duluth, MN
Ruurd Schoolderman, Duluth, MN
Samantha Schultz, Carlton, MN
Jen Schultz, Duluth, MN
Mariah Schultz, Duluth, MN
Alison Schutz, Duluth, MN
Linda Schwartz, Duluth, MN
Peter Schwartz, Duluth, MN
Kathryn Schwartz-Eckhardt, Andover, MN
Shelly Schwarz, Duluth, MN
Kathy Scott, Sarasota, FL
Zachary Scott-Kovacovic, Duluth, MN
Judith Screaton, Stillwater, MN
James Seitz, DULUTH, MN
Austin Selland, Duluth, MN
Zachary Selt-Kovacovi, Duluth, MN
Leah Senarighl, Dulluth, MN
Shaina Seopa, Bemidji, MN
Susan Seys, Mankato, MN
Angela Sharp, Duluth, MN
Michelle Shaw, Minneapolis, MN
Sumair Sheikh, Duluth, MN
Judith Sheriff, Duluth, MN
Ann Sherman, Palisade, MN
Connor Sherwood, Duluth, MN
Dan Shirley, Tofte, MN
Ken Sieben, Eagan, MN
William Sikkink, Two Harbors, MN
Ann Simonet, Duluth, MN
Kris Simonson, Duluth, MN
Sydney Simpson, Duluth, MN
Mikhail Simrak, Duluth, MN
Adam Sippola, Duluth, MN
Joel Sipress, Duluth, MN
Rachel Sipress, Duluth, MN
Wesley Sisson, Duluth, MN
Sarah Siverson, Duluth, MN
Susette Skog, Eagan, MN
Matthew Smith, Minneapolis, MN
Hannah Smith, St. Paul, MN
Elizabeth Smith, Stillwater, MN
Timothy Soden-Groves, Carlton, MN
Ethan Sohm, Duluth, MN
Lindsey Sola, Duluth, MN
Jane Soltau, Duluth, MN
Douglas Soltis, Andover, MN
Clifford Somers, Grand Rapids, MN
Jonah Sorell, Duluth, MN
Emily Sousa, Two Harbors, MN
Susan Southard, Knife River, MN
Ashley Spah, Duluth, MN
Michelle Spangler, Minneapolis, MN
Sarah Speers, Duluth, MN
kathleen spencer, Duluth, MN
Cindy Spillers, Duluth, MN
Matthew Spiten, Winona, MN
Maia Splittstoser, Duluth, MN
Shodo Spring, Faribault, MN
Jo-Ann Sramek, Duluth, MN
Andrew St. Croix, DULUTH, MN
Richard Staffon, Cloquet, MN
Brooklyn Stammer, Duluth, MN
Rachael Stanze, Two Harbors, MN
Barbara Stark, DULUTH, MN
Thomas Starkey, Duluth, MN
Tom Starkey, Duluth, MN
Travis Stegsal, Duluth, MN
Travis Stejskal, Duluth, MN
Edward Sterling, Duluth, MN
Myrah Stine, Duluth, MN
Robert Stodola, Duluth, MN
Kathryn Stodola, Duluth, MN
Hannah Stoffel, Duluth, MN
Sarce Stone, Duluth, MN
Katie Story, Superior, WI
Grayson Stout, Forest Lake, MN
Kay Strand, Duluth, MN
Henry Strayer, Duluth, MN
Sierra Stroeing, Duluth, MN
Carrie Ann Strub, Stillwater, MN
Maddy Surges, Duluth, MN
Barton Sutter, Duluth, MN
Kevin Swanberg, Duluth, MN
louisa swanberg, Rochester, MN
Adam Swanson, Duluth, MN
Katie Swanson, Duluth, MN
Charles Swartz, Bear Island, MN
Holly Swdberg, Knife River, MN
Thomas Swedberg, Knife River, MN
Holly Swedberg, Knife River, MN
Nancy Swedlund, Duluth, MN
Noah Swiston, Duluth, MN
Bailey T, Duluth, MN
Alessandra Taddeini, Duluth, MN
Brianna Taggart, Duluth, MN
Mikayla Talley, Duluth, MN
Robert Tammen, Soudan, MN
Beth Tamminen, Duluth, MN
Aaron Tank, Duluth, MN
Caitlyn Tanne, Duluth, MN
Leah Tapa, Duluth, MN
Kathryn Tasto, Becker, MN
Mark Taylor, Duluth, MN
Cheri Taylor, Spooner, WI
Sherehler Tee, Duluth, MN
Macey Tellijahn, Duluth, MN
Danielle Thibault, Eveleth, MN
Catherine Thielen, Duluth, MN
Ken Thiry, Cloquet, MN
Kate Thoennes, Duluth, MN
Pat Thomas, Duluth, MN
Patricia Thomas, Duluth, MN
William Thomas, Minneapolis, MN
Margaret Thomas, Stillwater, MN
Ellen Thomas, Columbia, MN
Mary Thompson, Duluth, MN
Callie Thompson, Duluth, MN
Tom Thompson, Duluth, MN
Gabby Thompson, Duluth, MN
Brian Thorbjørnsen, Ely, MN
Melvin Thoresen, Deer River, MN
Shelly Thrall, MINNEAPOLIS, MN
Devin Thunhorst, holyoke, MN
Steve Timmer, Edina, MN
Shelby Tnulin, Waconia, MN
Jen Toddie, St Paul, MN
Cory Todulen, Duluth, MN
Bruce Tomczak, Superior, WI
Debra Topping, Cloquet, MN
Gay Trachsel, Duluth, MN
Scott Travis, Minneapolis, MN
Sirianna Traynor, Minneapolis / Duluth, MN
Jake Tremble, Duluth, MN
Dawn Trexel, Virginia, MN
glenn tridgell, duluth, MN
Cole Truesdell, Duluth, MN
David Tryggestad, Duluth, MN
Jennifer Tuder, Fridley, MN
Larry Turbes, Duluth , MN
Sam Tuthill, Duluth, MN
Don Uhlhorn, Mora, MN
Stephanie Ukkola, Tower, MN
Rich Updegrove, Duluth, MN
Miguel Urbina, Duluth, MN
Renee Van Nett, Duluth , MN
Jenny Van Sickle, Superior, WI
Emily Van Wyhe, Duluth, MN
Eric Vancura, Duluth, MN
Carter VandeWalker, Duluth, MN
Amy VanGuilder, Proctor, MN
Travis VanWyk, Hastings, MN
Sophie Varner, Duluth, MN
Freda Veljkovich, St Cloud, MN
Mark Vidas, Minneapolis, MN
Alexandra Vlland, Duluth, MN
Jordan Volker, Duluth, MN
Rachel Vrick, Duluth, MN
Brian Vroman, Grand Rapids, MN
Maya Vukelich, Duluth, MN
Linda Vukson, Duluth, MN
Jean Wagenius, Minneapolis, MN
Shaina Wagner, Duluth, MN
Sandra Wagner, Duluth, MN
Paige Wald, Duluth, MN
Brian Waldoch, Duluth, MN
Bri Waldoch, Duluth, MN
Carol Wallace, Hermantown, MN
Pat Walsh, Rochester, MN
Susan Walto, Golden Valley, MN
Allyson Walz, Duluth, MN
Matt Ward, Duluth, MN
wendy ward, Marine on Saint Croix, MN
Katie Warner, Duluth, MN
Pawel Waszczuk, Duluth, MN
Don Watson, Duluth, MN
Lynn Watson, Duluth, MN
Sheldon Watts, Duluth, MN
Susan Watts, Duluth, MN
Daniel Weatherly, Duluth, MN
Shawna Weaver, Duluth, MN
Karen Weaver, Duluth, MN
Monica Weber, St Paul, MN
Tonia Weber, Cotton, MN
Lora Wedge, Duluth, MN
Karen Weed, Ely, MN
Kathryn Wegler, Austin, MN
Kathryn Wegner, Duluth, MN
Lisa Weispfenning, Washburn, WI
Melissa Weisser, Duluth, MN
Mary Weitz, Minneapolis, MN
Linda Wells, Fridley, MN
Garrett Welsch, Duluth, MN
Carolyn Wensman, White Bear Lake, MN
wayne wenz, Bird Island, MN
Em Westerlund, Duluth, MN
Danielle Westholm, Duluth, MN
Brian Whelan, Duluth, MN
Kaylee White, Duluth, MN
Juanita Whitebird, Chisholm, MN
Andy Whiteman, Duluth, MN
Jane Whitledge, Duluth, MN
Doran Whitledge, Duluth, MN
Chilay Whittington, Duluth, MN
blanche wilcox, duluth, MN
Elizabeth Wilcox, Hugo, MN
Madeline Wilcox, Minneapolis, MN
Robert Wildwood, Duluth, MN
Jacob Willette, Duluth, MN
Gerri Williams, Duluth, MN
Beth Willoughby, Elk River, MN
David Winchester, Duluth, MN
S Wing, Hazelhurst , WI
Isaac Winter, Cottage Grove, MN
Marlys Wisch, Two Harbors, MN
Susan Wiste, Duluth, MN
Lee Witt, Duluth, MN
Hailey Witt, Duluth, MN
Melanie Witte, Cloquet, MN
Jerry Witte, Duluth, MN
Diana Witte, Duluth, MN
Alex Witte, Duluth, MN
Emily Wojtowicz, Duluth, MN
Dorothy Wolden, Superior, WI
Ryan Wolfram, Washburn, WI
Amy Wolter, St. Cloud, MN
Sheila Wonders, Superior, WI
kiah wood, duluth, MN
Anthony Wood, Bakersfield, CA
Ryan Woodfill, Superior, WI
Bruce Woodman, Duluth, MN
Miles Woodruff, Two Harbors, MN
Stephanie Wourms, Duluth, MN
kathryn wrazidlo, duluth, MN
Leah Wrazidlo, Saint Paul, MN
Catherine Wright, Duluth, MN
Adeline Wright, Duluth, MN
Cathy Wright, Duluth, MN
Ben Wurdell, Duluth, MN
Madison Wurster, Duluth, MN
Anna Yliniemi, Duluth, MN
Brooklyn Yotter, Duluth, MN
Rick Youmans, Duluth, MN
Louren Yzaguirre, Superior, WI
Jason Zabokrtsky, Ely, MN
Matt Zak, Eveleth, MN
Emilie Ziebarth, Duluth, MN
Carl Zoretich, Superior, WI
April Zumbaum, Bovey, MN
Zandy Zwiebel, Duluth, MN
Duluth for Clean Water is a citizen-based organization formed to express the interests of Duluth, a key downstream community, on copper sulfide mining proposals.